Healthy Options……..Perfect Pizzas………….Yummy!

BLOG OCT 266” Making pizzas was fun.  Thalia had a half and I had a half.  We were learning about halves” Olivia Mason

” I was learning to make pizzas and it was yummy. I put cheese and ham on my half” Thalia Stewart

” I put on my pizza……cheese and ham and chicken and it went in the oven. I eated it” Olivia Andrews

BLOG OCT 264“I was learning to make pizza. They were halves. I put ham and chicken on my half. It was yummy” Finlay Macdonald

“I was learning how to make pizzas. I made a pizza at home.I had cheese, ham  and tomato sauce on a pizza.  I made a half and we ate it”

Jessica Mackessy

BLOG OCT 258” We were having fun and making pizza. I ate all of mine”Mia Lafferty

“I made a pizza with cheese, pepperoni and sweetcorn and tuna.   I was learning about healthy food and halves and quarters”Sophia Barclay

BLOG OCT 263” It was nice. I was learning halves and quarters” Blair Mann
BLOG OCT 262” I was learning about healthy food. I like sweetcorn. The pizzas were yummy” Kenzie McKinnon BLOG OCT 265” I made a pizza with cheese and tomato. I was learning to make pizzas. I loved it!” Sarah Sneddon
BLOG OCT 261“P2 sequencing the instructions for making pizza and drawing their’half’ of the pizza while the real pizzas were in the oven!” Mrs Toman BLOG OCT 260“I was learning to make pizza.  We had to write instructions about making pizza.” Ben Casey