Reading Partners

SDC10933‘ I was reading. We were doing reading partners. It is fun!’ Marci Burt SDC10932‘ I like reading partners with Oli and we take turns.’ Sophia Barclay.’It is really good fun’ Olivia Mason
SDC10931”We are reading in pairs. You get to read the whole book’ Daisy McLean SDC10930‘I was learning to read with my friends’ Sarah McKenzie
SDC10929‘ I was reading  with Fraser. He was reading The Mango Tree. I was reading about Amy and Daniel.’ Olivia Andrews SDC10928‘I was learning to sit and listen when Lucy was reading’ Liam Turner  ‘ I was reading sentences in the book’ Lucy McAllister
SDC10927Bottom Left Text Here SDC10926‘ I was listenong to Logan. I was kind of helping with him with some words but he never really needed help.’ Arlo Barsanti
SDC10925Top Left Text Here SDC10924‘We were reading the words in pairs’ Sienna Leitch   Sarah Sneddon ‘ We were reading without the teacher’
SDC10923‘We were doing paired reading’ Zaid Hadji ‘He was a really good reader’ Thalia Stewart SDC10922‘I was reading a book to James’ Ben Casey ‘He reads a book to me.’