Leaders in Learning

Primary 5.1 are fabulous leaders in learning.  They planned excellent outdoor maths activities for Primary 3. They included; mental maths, volume/capacity, time, measure and weight.

Making up the games was good fun, we were very creative!

I thought it was really fun and most of the children listened very well, I think they really enjoyed our games and got better at mental maths.  Sienna

It was important that we planned well before going out to do the activities.  Working in a group to plan meant that we had to compromise.  James

I developed my teamwork, patience and kindness through these activities.  Sophia

Our team were teaching volume.

As part of our planning we created a game which involved guessing how many litres and millilitres a variety of bottles hold. Primary 3 were good at estimating.  Arlo

Our team were teaching weight.

We had three different stations; weight hunt, worksheet and balance scales.  Groups had to find objects in the playground that weighted the same. Oliver


Our team were teaching mental maths.

We made up a mental maths tig game. The children enjoyed playing it and were quick, it was challenging teaching but I really enjoyed it.  Jessica


Our team were teaching measure.

As part of our planning we played a game called measure run.  We placed different measuring equipment in hula hoops and then asked questions like ‘bring me a measuring tape’ the first person to bring it got a point. Lucy

We also made up a football game.  One person kicks the ball, the primary 3 children estimate how far the ball travelled and then measured to see who was closest.  Jamie

Our team were teaching time.

We split children into groups and gave them a time, they would have to put this on their mini clock and show it.

We chalked times onto the playground and one person would shout out a time.  Everyone would go to that time making sure it was am or pm.  Daisy