Lovely Lush

Primary 5 had a visit from Lush today.


Callum and Katie were talking to us about the recycling policy Lush have.

They recyle plastic bottles and they put it in a machine which spins it into thin threads and they use this to make head scarfs and they use this instead of wrapping paper as packaging.   Cara

I used a biodegradable toothbrush and brushed my teeth with charcoal toothpaste.  Did you know that toothpaste has small pieces of plastic in it?  Arlo

My teeth did not stay this colour!

I learned that Lush do not test their products on animals.  They fight to reduce plastic in the ocean.  I also got to put a cat bath bomb into the water.  Oliver


This head scarf is made from 2 litre plastic bottles. I liked learning about the products and we got to pass round the bath bombs.  They have a shampoo bar which you can use 80/100 times so this reduces plastic waste because if you had the liquid one it would be in a plastic bottle and might not do as many washes.  Will