The Circus by J K Annand and Primary 5.1

I enjoyed learning how to speak in Scots. Jessica

I liked the Scots language and making up our own verses, we wrote the last two.  Oliver

The teamwork and getting the costumes organised was my favourite part.  I also really liked working as a whole class.  Blair

I liked learning Scots poetry.  Sarah S

It was fun while it lasted and was good because we had to work out what we wanted to be in the poem.  Oli


I learned to be more confident dancing on the stage and wearing a costume.  Will

I enjoyed being an acrobat because we got to wear leotards and I liked working with the acrobats and having fun.  Lucy

We were learning about Scotland and we had unicorns in our poem, they are the national animal of Scotland. Jamie

Performing in front of the parents was fun and we all got to choose what we would be.  Sarah McK

I enjoyed making the actions and teaching them to the class.  Marci

Practicing the poem was good  because we did not have to write as much but we were still learning in literacy.  Joseph O

We made lots of links to learning because we had to do literacy by reading and learning  the poem.  Maths linked to time so we are not too long or too short.  Health by working together and drama by performing.  James

I enjoyed learning to talk in Scottish and I felt confident being a clown. Liam

I enjoyed choosing what we got to be and enjoyed working together.  Olivia A

I liked sharing and giving Ben a loan of my unicorn costume, it was fun wearing them on stage.  Zaid

Performing a Scots poem was great fun, I got more confident because I thought of it as being a cheer competition.  Millie

What a wonderful Scots Verse!

Well done Primary 5.1 you all worked very hard and I am VERY proud of you all!!!   Ms P