Amazing Amazonia

Primary 3 went on a school trip to Amazonia.

We learned about tropical rainforests, the plants and animals that live there and the threats that they face.

The guide told us about each different layer and we had to think about the animals that live in each layer.

She also told us about the threats to the rainforests all over the world and what we could do to help protect them.


We saw some tropical fish. There were lots of different types of monkeys.
Butterflies were flying around. These were Poison Dart Frogs.
The parrots were really noisy and one of them gave us all a big fright.
The turtles were enjoying swimming in their pond.
The guide told us lots of information about Top Right Text Here
We got to hold a snake.
the snake was cold, scaly and heavy. Most of us put the snake around our neck.
The flat tailed gecko was tickly. We had to be quiet when we held it.
The hissing cockroach was tickly too.
Soft play was great fun.
Thank you to all our helpers who got a well deserved coffee break.