When I Grow Up……..

Primary 2 are finding about different careers. Mr Connell came to visit us and explain the skills needed to be fire fighter.

Mrs Brown is an osteopath. She told us how she helps people with back pain. She told us that her family all work together as osteopaths.

Look at our fantastic Word documents with our future careers!

Siona Sircar

Blair Mann

Sophia Barclay

SDC11730This is the spine. SDC11738Structure (Fraser)and function (Arlo) have to work together to keep our spine healthy.
SDC11729The vertebrae all fit together. SDC11733Joseph has his reflexes checked.
SDC11697Mr Connell told us about fire safety. SDC11698” I took this photo of Skye wearing the uniform” Sarah Sneddon ” I can use the camera”.
SDC11694“The fire fighter’s hose is heavy.I want to be a policeman when I grow up”Logan Hart SDC11684” I learned how to put out a fire. You can use water, foam and sand. I have a firman’s helmet at home. I wore it in the Christmas play.”
SDC11704” It was kind of hard to see through it. It protects their faces.” Blair Mann SDC11686
SDC11683” I was holding the hose to see hoe heavy it was. It  would be heavier with the water in it. You have to be strong to be a firefighter. I want to be one when I grow up.” Finlay Macdonald SDC11693” I was trying on the smoke mask. It helps them breathe in smoky areas. It was a bit heavy. It must be even heavier because that was only the model. The fire fighters have  about 5kgs to carry”. Blair Mann