” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart
” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish.
” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
The Science Centre – Learning across stages!
” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”.
“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann
Robo Bird
Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”.
” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart