This week we had our second gymnastics lesson! We warmed up by honing our balances by working with partners to support and encourage each other. We then used the mats to help us perform a range of manoeuvres such as front, back and pencil rolls. Some of our peers modelled to us how to correctly perform some of these exercises. Afterwards Mr Atkinson set up the gymnastics apparatus! We used the spring board, vaults, climbing frames, yoga mats and crash mats to allow us to safely create a sequences of balances, rolls and jumps.
In literacy, after completing our spelling and reading we had to closely analyse a comprehension passage on volcanoes which is linked to our natural disasters IDL topic. This required us to identify key information as well as compare and contrast different types of volcanoes.
Prior to starting our writing lesson some of us shared what we had learned when doing our talk homework. Then we created ‘surviving an earthquake’ information posters. To help us with this we used the Chromebooks to research what you should do when an earthquake happens. Afterwards we wrote a diary entry of our experiences in an earthquake.
All of the class have finished off their models of earths layers which you can see from the photographs below. Next week we will use these models to help use identify tectonic plates, fault lines and the Ring of Fire.
In maths this week, some groups have been continuing to calculate the area of squares and rectangles. Another group have been using Venn and Carroll diagrams to separate shapes based on their properties. Next week they will be interpreting bar graphs and tally charts. Emmy Noether have been converting 12 and 24 times and been calculating the duration of journeys.
On Friday we took part in a couple of Road Safety activities. One of the tasks required us to create a safe street using speed signs, cycle paths and zebra crossings.
Abi shared with the class videos of her successful model ship first voyage which she had previously brought into class.
Mr Atkinson’s Comment
Congratulations to our two dancers who raised money for their chosen charity, great work! Next week, P.E. with the high school teacher will still be on Monday but our P.E. double period will be on Wednesday. There will be one more week of gymnastics before we move onto Scottish Dancing, which will also link into our Christmas Party. Please bring appropriate shoes to take part in P.E. (gym shoes/trainers in P.E. and school shoes for outside in the playground). Starting the week beginning the 2nd there will be weekly spelling check-ups based on the homework sounds and words.