EWHCF Class of 2020

March 27, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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This week we have celebrated international day and we did an amazing origami workshop. Also we had a man called Ben in to the class to teach us about life and Easter in France. He had really helped us with our French and we all enjoyed having his company.

Last week we had fun doing the Iron Man workshop and we all had fun using our drama and imagination. Big thanks to Louisa Cameron for doing the workshop and leading it

In maths we have been working on time and have all managed to tell time and now we are all pros at it.

We all hope you have a great Easter Break.

Also well done to Alex and his BB who won a prize for marching. Well done to Lucas who passed a Tae Kwon Do grading and learned a new routine.


February 16, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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This week it was Valentine’s Day and Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday). This is the start of the Christian time of Lent where Christians fast and sacrifice things to become holy and also to remind themselves of how Jesus suffered before he died.

On Wednesday we had our maths standardised test. Don’t panic everyone we made it through and Mrs Watson reminded us that it is only a small part of our learning and we are all brilliant no matter what. Yesterday we looked at our success criteria and our learning intentions. We thought about how important these are in our learning to and help us tell how well we are doing and what we need to work on. It also reminds us of the skills in our learning and why we are learning them. Also we looked at time and thought of ideas of ways to learn time and what we already knew about time.

Yesterday we looked at our success criteria and our learning intention in literacy we were learning to pick out specific information in a non-fiction text. We used reading jigsaws to help our learningJ.

In P.E we are learning about netball and developing our skills with balls.

Hope you had a great Valentines day and a tasty Pancake day

Holly and Calum J

February 10, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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Class Blog P5b

This week in maths we have been learning about weight and really working on weighing things and estimating in grams and kilograms. We all enjoyed learning about weighing.

In literacy we have carried out a writing piece of discursive text about why wind turbines should be banned or not. People had different views of this and it was cool to see what everyone thought.  We had to remember to give a good justification for why we felt a certain way.

We have being having fun with Mrs Watson playing netball during PE. Learning to pass the ball, to shoot, learning the positions and the rules. We had to take the positions on the court today which was hard but most of us remembered.

On Thursday we learned about JoLoMo and his art pieces. This really helped us learn more about Scotland’s landscapes and the colour and textures they have in them. We did group work on texture and colour and then created colour and texture charts J.

On Friday we set up a debate club taken. It was a lot of fun. We debated if guns should be banned in America. Although the against side worked very hard they were outnumbered by the for side.

Following on from that we have been working on philosophy , thinking about our views and responding to what other people have said rather than being fixed on our own thoughts. It is great fun to hear everybody’s opinion

Thanks for reading

From Calum and Holly

February 8, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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Class Blog P5b

This week we have enjoyed having Miss Mackay in to help us with our learning. Miss Mackay is from Strathclyde University and has come to help. She will be here to help until 5 weeks after Easter.

This week we have had our standardised tests (don’t worry nobody got glasses) This week we completed the reading paper, we all want to read The Butterfly Lion now, by Michael Morpurgo. We used a fiction text and a non- fiction text. It was quite tricky but we all managed. Then next week we will be the maths test (dun dun dunnnn.) J

In maths we have been working on decimals and developing our knowledge of percentages and word problems. We had to apply all the skills we have learned recently into lots of practical tasks. It was good fun but hard at the same time. The subtraction skleletrons have been have been working on the four processes of number.

In literacy we have been working on how to identify the meaning of text and why the author has written the text . This morning we did work on that and it was linked to our topic. We have been trying to improve our reading.

On Wednesday we went on an exciting trip to Whitelee Windfarm to learn about renewable energy and wind turbines. We carried our a fun experiment to explore which blade shapes go the fastest. We also went onto a mini bus and went on a tour and it made you feel very dizzy. J  We learned lots of new things and came back to class with loads of questions to plan our topic.


February 2, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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In p5 this week we have been enjoying our work! We love learning new things and we have so much fun with all our learning, even though it can be hard.

In maths we have been working on mental maths skills.  We should be estimating before we even begin to work out the answer as this will help us know if we are accurate or making mistakes along the way. The division destroyers have been working on thousands tens of thousands and millions. They really enjoyed it. The multination masters have been working on division and found it challenging. The subtraction skeletons word problems with four processes of number. The times terror have been working on vertical calculations. Everyone is making great progress and we are becoming better at talking about our maths skills and how they help us in life.

In language we have all been working on comprehension except the reading masters. They have been working on verbs, dictation and formation of letters. We have also been learning about the importance of reading new texts that are not familiar, these help us read tricky words and find out new things. They are also quite challenging.

We have all loved doing coding in ict for the last few weeks. In coding we have been working on programming and problem solving with code.org. The aim of the game is to get the character to the certain item. But there are objects in your way.

On Saturday it is Avas birthday party at air space and hope she enjoys it.

Very early notice – There is a dance competition in March. Hope all the dancers are ready !!!


By Holly and Calum.

January 26, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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P5b & Mrs Watson’s Weekly Blog 26th January 2018

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂


We have had a brilliant week in P5b.  This week we have been continuing our work on our fantastic stories for the BBC radio 2 500 words competition.  This week we took time to up level them and add some more ambitious vocabulary, make sure our punctuation was correct and add in some exciting ideas.  We got to do this on the laptops which was great because it was much easier to change and make our stories better than in the writing jotters.

We worked very hard in our literacy learning experiences this week.  We worked on comprehension, spelling and story wriritn.  We shared our ideas with one another and helped each other when we were struggling. We enjoyed all of the work although some of it was a bit tricky.  We developed the skill of reading the text carefully and thinking about what words would fit best in a text.  This will help us if we can’t understand a word in a text. We can read around it and get all the clues and then guess what the word might mean.  We revised all the other question types which are remembering, understanding, evaluating, applying and analysing.

In maths we have been working on the number processes and we all need to keep working on remembering our multiplication and division facts especially the 7 and 8 times tables.  The Division Destroyers got to work from a new book in maths where they were learning more about numbers in our world and how important number work is.  The book is called Primary Maths in Action.  The Multiplication Masters have been revising adding, subtraction, multiplication and division.  The Subtraction Skelatrons worked on lots of vertical calculations and word problems and the Times Terrors were revising rounding to the nearest ten within a calculation and also addition and subtraction work.

We are saying a short “bye” to Emily because she is going to Australia for ONE MONTH! Have fun and enjoy the sun.  We can’t wait to hear all about it.  We are really excited for her.


Lilly and Holly are becoming sixers in their brownie pack and Freya and Rebecca are both becoming seconders.  Well done girls, what a great achievement. We hope you enjoy your new job at Brownies 🙂

Well done to Jenna who passed her ballet, tap and hip hop dance exam – you are doing so well.

We are all excited for Calum, Naomi and Lucas who are going to their SU camp this weekend. It sounds amazing.

Well done to Rory, Thomas, Jenna and Hugo for reaching the next level in their 1,2,3 maths.  You must be doing a brilliant job.


this week we welcomed Sofia and Hawa who have joined our school.  We really hope you enjoy Crookfur as much as we do.

By Holly and Calum

January 26, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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This week we have been continuing the 500 words competition and been typing them up on the laptops. This is a good way to uplevel them also.  Thinking about the success criteria and what might make our writing better especially when we know about VCOP.

Also this week we have been making presentations about Robert Burns. As it was Burns night this week. He was a great man, we read a text about him also and answered some questions about him and his life. These were hard as there were some words we didn’t know but we were great thinking readers and used all the clues.  We could even help eachother clarify harder words.

This week we have been working very hard in literacy. We have been working on comprehension, spelling and story writing. We enjoyed all of the work and developed lots of skills. Also working on our question type skills which are, remembering, understanding, evaluating, applying, analysing.

In maths we have been working on division, multiplication, adding and subtracting. The division destroyers have been working in a new book called primary maths in action. This has very tricky angle work in it we worked with Mrs Watson to take great notes that helped us when we struggled through the independent tasks. The Multiplication Masters have been revising adding, subtracting, division and multiplication. The Subtraction skeletarons have been working on rounding and division. And the times terrors have been working on fractions.

We are all going to miss Emily because she is going to Australia for a MONTH!!!!We are really excited for her and can’t wait to hear all about her trip of a lifetime.

Lily and Holly are becoming a sixer in brownies as well as Rebecca Freya are becoming a seconder. We hope you all do a good job. J

Well done to Jenna who passed her ballet, tap and hip hop dance exam. We are all excited for Calum Naomi and Lucas going to one of SU camps. Welcome to Hawa and Sofia who have just joined the school. So we hope you enjoy it here. Well done to Jenna, Thomas, Rory and Hugo who have been doing 123 maths and got a certificate.

January 17, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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P5b Weekly blog 17th January 2018 By Calum and Holly


Hi all. We are sorry that we haven’t uploaded a blog this term.  We have been allocating class jobs and are now back into the swing of things.

This week in primary 5 we have been working extremely hard. We all enjoyed working on problem solving in groups and developing our understanding of percentages and decimal. In literacy we have been working on our comprehension skills and really trying to get better at evaluating texts using key comprehension and our guided readers.

We are all so excited because Mrs Watson is entering us into the BBC radio 2 500 words competition run by Chris Evans and we are all hoping to win.  To be successful we had to plan our fiction stories very carefully, taking tips from Chris Riddell the children’s laureate by creating our setting and characters first before even writing any plan.  Also in art we are studying Van Goughs lifestyle and art. We have tried this out aswell by creating landscape picture using a range of lines and tones.


We have all enjoyed playing in the snow but not so much with the traffic, getting to and away from school has been a bit tricky. Mrs Watson got stuck in the snow today but she is here now. . Building snowmen has been fun, we did that on Wednesday.  It was brilliant.

Happy new year

Written by Calum and Holly

December 8, 2017
by Miss Welsh
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Mrs Watson’s Weekly Blog 8th Dec 2017

Happy Friday everyone !!

Massive thanks to everyone who attended “The Christmas Window” on Monday.  The children were incredible and really put on an excellent show.

There was no stopping our superstars this week when Clyde One came in on Wednesday to record their Christmas song which was then aired yesterday.   The kids sounded fantastic and absolutely loved the experience.  I was really proud of them when I tuned in on Thursday morning.

We are preparing for the official school opening which will be on Wednesday 13th Dec.  P5 have been asked to sing at the ceremony which is a real honour.  So far the children are sounding in fine voice and I will make sure to record their rehearsals to share with you all. On Wednesday could all pupils be dressed in shirt and tie for our opening ceremony.  Thanks.

In between all the excitement we have been pushing forwards with our learning.  We really focussed on questioning this week when exploring and understanding a text and in maths we tackled a wide range of problems.  Some of the problems were simple calculations however presented in a way that was rather confusing and tricky.  We helped each other through these problems and shared our thinking.

Our Christmas party will take place on the last day of term (Wednesday 20th December) so pupils can either wear party clothes for the day or bring a change.

Congratulations to……

Emily who sang with the Royal Conservatoire on Sunday.

Naomi & Lily who sang with the community unity choir at Isobel Mair School on Thursday.

Thanks for your continuing support,

Lizzie Watson



November 24, 2017
by Miss Welsh
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Mrs Watson’s Weekly Blog – 24th November 2017














Hi all,

I can’t quite believe another week has passed so quickly.  It has been a very busy week in P5b with our JRSO pupils leading us through our “Road Safety Week 2017”.  We explored the new Crookfur Travel Plan in our reading learning experienced and penned a letter to local drivers to encourage them to “Slow Down, Save Lives” in our writing.   A massive thanks to all those who made an effort to walk to school this week, helping raise the profile of foot travel.  Many pupils joined the “walking bus” and park and stride.

We increased our rehearsal time for “The Christmas Window” and the children have been incredible, making good use of Yammer to learn their lines and song lyrics. Our dress rehearsal will be on Thursday , more information will follow on what pupils will need to bring into school.

Just a note that “Yammer” is to be used for educational discussion and activities.  It is not for social chit chat so please feel free to use “Yammer” as a tool for discussing learning.

We got creative in Maths and made a range of nets and 3d shapes in groups – it was great fun.

Big congratulations to Ava who reached level 4 in her guitar tuition ***Picture to follow***

Happy Birthday to Jenna, Freya and Rebecca ! Enjoy your celebrations.

We are excited for Book Week next week but for now here are some highlights of our week…


Mrs W 🙂




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