P6b Class Blog Friday 18th May 2018

In science we have been learning how different animals communicate.

In maths this week, we did the sumdog competition. We used the chrome books, we tried using our own devices but sadly these did not work!

In writing we created our own imaginative stories. As well as writing interesting stories with a beginning, middle and end we were to use lots of VCOP, check that our grammar, punctuation and spelling was all correct.

In P.E we continued developing our tennis skills. We also played tennis games (1v) with the winner being the first to three points.

On Monday we went to Blair Drummond Safari Park. At the park we went through the safari park and saw a variety of animals (including lions), then we went on the boats to chimp island, after that we watched the sea lion show which was full of incredible tricks.  We then had lunch and played in the park before going to the birds of prey show and then getting the bus home!

In Bikeability we went out on the road and were practising; safe starts, safe stops, left turn from minor to major roads and major to minor, and right turns from major to minor roads and minor to major. Our assessments will be next week.

In Social Studies we were learning about the effect volcanoes have on people. We took notes then carried out research on the volcano that has erupted recently in Hawaii and gathered information about how people have been affected by it.

18.5.18 P6a

On Monday we went on an adventure to Blair Drummond Safari Park. We did the safari first of all and it was amazing, we saw all of the animals out enjoying the sun. We saw the rhinos, giraffes and elephants. Then we went on the boat to Chimp Island and saw Chip, Rosie, Copper and Joe. They were getting food and climbing the climbing frame. We learned that bananas are treats for chimps as they contain too much sugar! We watched an amazing sea lion show too. We loved our trip and learned a lot about animals, their habitats and how they communicate.

We have our bikeability test next week so this week we were working on emergency stops, right turns and left turns. It is quite tricky trying to remember everything you need to do but it is lots of fun especially in the sunshine!

In ICT we have been coding, we have just finished Minecraft Adventure and then we got the choice to choose our next coding challenge. The coding gets more difficult as you progress through the levels. It’s really fun!

It’s been digital learning week this week and we have been bringing in our forms so that we can start to connect to the wifi and use our devices in class. We have used our devices to maths to help us work out word problems. We hope to use our devices over the next few weeks.

We have taken part in the Sumdog competition; we always enjoy challenging ourselves to see how many questions we can answer correctly.

We have prerfecting this week so that we can experience different roles before we apply for perefecting jobs at the end of this year. We are enjoying the challenge of prefecting.

Primary 6B Class Blog Friday 11th May 2018

This week in maths the Orange group have been changing fractions into percentages, the yellow group having been calculating the volume of cuboids, the white group have been finding fractions and percentages of quantities.

In P.E with our specialist we were working on the triple jump. We worked on the hop first, then the skip then the jump before putting it all together and measuring the distance of each jump.

In writing we created persuasive arguments about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos. We looked at different persuasive techniques and arguments both for and against zoos.

In science we moved on to learning about sound and how it travels. We learned about the molecules in the air and how they move to form vibrations.

In Bikeability we were on the roads practising our left and right hand turns as well as our safe starts and safe stops.

Next Monday we are going on a trip to Blair Drummond which we are very excited about.

In R.M.E we have been learning about Buddhism. This week we looked at the Eightfold Path.

In ICT we have been learning about coding. We have been working through coding tasks which increase in difficulty as we progress.

P6a 11.5.18

PC Trainer came in this week to talk to us about bike safety. We need to make sure we don’t ride our bike in the school (unless we are doing bikeability) so that people are safe.

This week we were learning how to put people into the recovery position. We got into pairs and we managed to do this and write instructions so to tell people how to do it.

Pythagoras and Euler did a check-up all about measurement, we had to convert different measurement and work out word problems.

The fundraising committee responded to our letters and are very kindly going to give us a donation towards our trip. We are very thankful! We are all very excited about our trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park on Monday! We are looking forward to learning more about animals and Hiba can’t wait to see the lions!!

The Spanish assistant came in this week and we were learning how to say different fruits in Spanish.

In Social Studies we have been researching a volcanic eruption of our choice. We are going to share our case studies with each other next week.

In writing we have been working on our persuasive skills. This week we were writing about whether or not animals should be kept in zoos. We had lots of great ideas.

P6a 4.5.18

This week we had the final of Crookfur’s Got Talent, Eilidh, Sophie, Mark and Caitlin all took part! All of the acts were fantastic! Ellis won overall with his dance moves!

P1b did their assembly this week all about Jack and the Beanstalk, it was really good.

Ravina came back from her holiday and we are all excited to see her again!

Mr McGowan came in to visit us this week. He was teaching us Spanish! He was teaching how to say our name and our age in Spanish.

In Science we were learning all about sound waves and vibrations. We made kazoos!! It was great fun!

It is Caitlin’s birthday today and she is looking forward to having her sleepover! Happy Birthday Caitlin!

We went on the road for bikeability for the first time this week. We were doing safe starts and stops and learning how to do left turns. It was good although it was a little scary when cars were on the roads too!

Primary 6b Class Blog Friday 4th May 2018

May the 4th be with you!

This week we had Crookfur’s Got Talent! 3 members of Primary 6B, Alexander, Yusuf and Lewis, performed a comedy show.  They had the whole school laughing.  The winner of the talent show was Ellis in P4.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we did shot put. We had to get in to the Usain Bolt pose to throw the ball.  With Mr. McMillan we have been working on our tennis skills.  We had to hit targets, play soft, controlled passes to each other and rally with each other over the net.

In maths, the orange group have been working on decimals; using the four operations, rounding and problem solving. The yellow group have been using the formula v=lxbxh to find the volume of cuboids.  The white group have been working with fractions and decimals and finding percentages and fractions of amounts.

In writing we have been developing our knowledge and use of persuasive language and techniques. We wrote advertisements to persuade readers to go on holiday to our chosen destination.

In our Social Studies topic we have begun researching a volcano that erupted and the effect it had on people and the landscape.

In music we were learning about dynamics. We played various percussion instruments to create sounds.  We watched April Showers from the film Bambi without music and discussed how the sounds in the film would get louder and softer as the rain got heavier and lighter.  We then created our own music along to the film in time with the thunderstorm.

This week we have had Prefect responsibilities, we will also have these next week. After that we can apply to be Prefects in P7.


PC Trainer came in to talk to us about internet safety. It was really good, we had great discussions and he was funny.

Euler started to learn about how to calculate the volume of 3D shapes.

There was a netball tournament this week and we had lots of girls for our class taking part. We were split into two halls and we had to play against the people in our hall and we came second. Then we played against the team that came in second from the second hall. We are very proud as we came in fourth out of fifty schools!

P5a had there assembly all about renewable energy, it was really interesting and we loved the songs they made!

This week was our last week in the playground for bikeability, next week we will be out on the roads. We were learning about safe start, safe stops, turning right and left. It’s getting a bit easier but we need to remember our lifesaver look!

In Science we have been learning about food webs, we created a massive one in the class. We all got a piece of paper with either a plant or animal on them (one person got the sun) we got wool and made a big food web in the classroom with all of the things we’d eat and the things that would eat us. It helped us to understand how a food web works.


This was the first week back after our Spring break; we are all excited to be back!

Euler has started to look at measuring volumes using different scales and converting units.

In French we have been learning how to say different types of food. We have been learning how to order in a restaurant.

In PE we have started athletics. This week we were learning how to do the long jump. It was good fun!

We did some philosophy this week, we read the story of the old lady who lived in a vinegar bottle and we spoke about what we think happiness is.

Primary 3a did a fantastic assembly all about the eye. We learned how important it is to go and have a regular eye test. They help to keep you healthy. We also saw Bertie, a guide dog in training, he was very cute!

P6b Class Blog Friday 20th April 2018

This week we started Bikeability. We practised our safe starting and stopping.  We then had four stations; one station was a path which we had to steer through, one where we had to practise riding with one hand (we had to high five and throw hoops on to targets), one station where we practised our left turn, and another station where we had to slalom between cones.  We will be in the playground next week and then we will be out on the roads.

In writing we have been working on poetry. This week we wrote our own rap about going to a fair.  We had to describe what we would see, hear, smell, touch, taste and how we would feel.  We thought about rhyming words and rhythm.

In ICT we have started coding.

In maths the orange group have continued working on decimal fractions. The white group have started probability.  The yellow group have been measuring volume.

In PE we were developing our long jump skills with Mrs. McGreggor. With Mr. McMillan we have been continuing our tennis skills; working on racquet control.

In science we started a new topic, learning about food chains. We learnt what a food chain is and that there are three parts; it starts with plants and then the creatures and animals that eat the plants and finally the creatures and animals that eat those creatures.

Our new topic in class is volcanoes and natural disasters. We learnt about the different types of volcanoes; active, dormant and extinct.  We also learnt about the different parts of a volcano and how volcanoes are formed.

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