P7a 24.8.18

We have started with Art this term and we were learning about different types of shading and tone. We learned about outlining shapes and hatching which involves using single lines. We also looked at contouring which was tricky.

In maths Pythagoras have been looking at BODMAS, this is the order of operations in calculations. It stands for Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.

In Science we have started to learn about micro-organisms. We researched famous scientists who made scientific observations which proved germs existed, the causes of them and vaccinations. These scientists were Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Joseph Lister and Robert Koch.

Our sports council members for this year are Saffi, Caitlin and Dylan.

We held interviews for senior prefects and we hopefully find out who they will be at the beginning of next week.

In writing we wrote a new beginning for Harry Potter and we were trying to engage the reader and create an atmosphere.

In literacy we have reciprocal reading groups where each person has a role. We started to read our class novels this week in these groups.

Today we looked at bounce back and discussed how nobody is perfect. We created our perfect teacher and Mrs Lamont created her perfect pupil and we discussed the differences.