
This week we started Science and we were learning about Gravity. We found out that Isaac Newton discovered gravity because an apple fell on his head. Gravity is a force that pulls everything down onto Earth and it is measured in Newtons. We carried out an experiment to see if there was a link between mass and weight. Mass is the amount of stuff inside an object.

We got into our Eco groups because we a making an advert about the difference between recycling and reusing. We are taking part in a competition and if we win we’ll get £300 for the school and our advert will be shown one Saturday night during X-Factor.

In Euler we were doing a check up on shape. We were finding out the missing angle in triangles and quadrilateral shapes. It was good.

Pythagoras has started to learn about numbers to a million. We have been writing and saying longer numbers and looking at place value.

In writing, we were writing an imaginative letter to Harriet about why we got expelled from school. We enjoyed thinking of interesting stories.

We had an Eid party on Friday at lunchtime. There was a piñata and different art activities. It was really fun and we enjoyed it.

James and Scott have unfortunately broken some bones and Kai has hurt his wrist! We have been looking after this week and helping them with our learning activities.