The homework sheet as discussed in class- 2 questions to be completed for Thursday 16th March. 1- still life 1 portrait.
S4 Nat 5 Expressive Mock assessment
The date for the above will be Mon 20th March.
4h period 3
4G period 6
Classroom to be confirmed
S4 Nat 5 Design Evaluation Mr Jenkins Class
The Design Evaluation should be completed for the following dates;
Wed 8th March – 4G
Thur 9th March – 4H
S4 Dates Mr Jenkins Class
Expressive Final Outcome: 23rd march
Expressive Mock Assessment : 17th March
Mr Jenkins S4 Homework
Complete the painting analysis for Homework for Mon. 20th Feb
Bernardi v Thiebaud
Roberto Bernardi Presentation (copy the below and paste into browser)
Wayne Thiebaud Presentation (copy the below and paste into browser)
S4 Expressive Homework – Mr Jenkins Class
Expressive Homework – Thur. 9th February
Wayne Thiebaud
Roberto Bernardi
Do some research on the above 2 artists and fill in the mindmap for each.
Design Research Task for Mr Jenkins S3 class
Click on below to find instructions. To be completed as homework for Mon. 23rd January
Journey from Advent to Christmas Music Concert
S1 Peter Howson Art Quiz
As part of the St Andrews celebrations, there will be a Peter Howson quiz for Mr Jenkins S1 class on Friday 2nd December
For all the info that could be in the quiz paste the following link into your browser.
Mock Assessment Dates.
The mock assesments will take place on the dates below in class and will last the whole period.
4h Wednesday Dec. 14th period 6
4G Thursday Dec15th Period 2