Class Yell have made a video for the assembly on Frlday as part of their SQA Scottish Studies.
We hope to post it on the school webslte.
Class Yell have made a video for the assembly on Frlday as part of their SQA Scottish Studies.
We hope to post it on the school webslte.
Class Yell are doing a scottish play called Wee G
Miss A gave us parts I’m playing Wee G
it’s for our Class Assembly
we all have scripts to practise our lines.
Good luck to all the senior pupils who are competing at the West of Scotland schools Cross Country at Bellahoustion Park.
We hope you all run well.
Class Yell have been busy learning all the new songs for our Christmas Service “Baubles”.
We are going to show the younger pupils all the makaton signs for the songs.