The Life of a Braidbar Butterfly…

Our first batch of butterflies have emerged from their cocoons a little earlier than expected!

We are soooooooo excited!

Liam – “They look beautiful!”

Noah – “Awesome!”

Olivia – ” They have beautiful wings!”

Jamie – “They can fly now!”

Luca – ” I am excited to see them!”

Ethan – “They’re coming out the cocoons!”


Our first butterfly!
Our first butterfly!

A cosy wee home…

We have officially moved onto stage 3 in the life cycle of our butterflies – the cocoons have developed and they are hanging upside down in our nets!

Stage 3 - cocoon
Stage 3 – cocoon

Isobel – “They’re not wigglin’ anymore!”

Murray – “I can’t see them – they are playing hide and seek.”

Freya – “They are sleeping.”

The caterpillars will stay, snuggled in their cosy new home for up to 2 weeks where they will then emerge as beautiful butterflies – we can’t wait!

We will keep you posted when we have arrived at stage 4!

On your marks, get set – go!

It was our Sports’ Day yesterday (May 20)  and we were all sooooooooo excited as our Mummies, Daddies and family members all came to watch us!

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We had to listen very carefully for the whistle as this meant we could go!

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We ran a flat race and a novelty race –  we had so much fun!

SPORTS DAY (am) caterpillars et al 20.5.15 015SPORTS DAY (am) caterpillars et al 20.5.15 021

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Waiting our turn!

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Our families were so proud of us – as were our teachers!

The Mummies and Daddies even had a turn too – they were so fast!

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Well done to everyone who participated!

The Very Hungry Caterpillars

Stage 2
Stage 2

Some new class mates arrived in the playroom last week – some very hungry caterpillars!

We have been learning about life cycles and living things. The life of a butterfly has four stages:

Stage 1 – the mother lays an egg

Stage 2 – caterpillars hatch

Stage 3 – cocoon developed

Stage 4 – a beautiful butterfly emerges.

Currently, we are at stage 2 and our new friends are growing by the second – they are very hungry!

Thomas – “All they seems to do is munch, munch, munch!”

Maisie – ” I can’t wait to see them turn into butterflies – we will let them go in the secret garden.”

Sophie – “I think we should name them.”

We will update you when they move onto stage 3!


HWB 35a FRUIT taste am and PINK 8.5.15 020

On Friday 8 May, Hopscotch Theatre Company came to visit the children to perform Pink! The Musical.

In class, we had been busily practising the song “Slippin’ and a Slidin'” and were able to join in the festivities on the day!

HWB 35a FRUIT taste am and PINK 8.5.15 019

The story is about Patrick the penguin who wakes up one morning and is pink from head to toe.

We learned that everyone in the world is unique and it is this uniqueness that makes us special.

Here are comments/observations from some of the children –

Cameron – “I liked the lady singing ‘smarty pants’!”

Lewis T – “I loved when the penguin turned pink and fell on the ice – so funny!”

Isobel – “It was funny when Patrick said ‘pink stinks!’ It’s ok for boys to like pink too.”

Rayyan – “One morning poor Patrick woke up pink!”

Beth – “The flamingos stood on one leg – I liked that!”

Arlo – “I liked the music and I liked when they jumped over the ice and snowy bits.”

Sophie G – “Everybody’s different – cool!”

Planting up a storm – literally!

Planting Day with Parents am and pm 28.4.15 007

Christian – “I brought my own tools – I am with my Mummy!”

A huge thank you to the green-fingered parents and family members  who attended our planting sessions last week.


eco painting 24.4.15 and Planting Day Prep 27.4.15 012

We were very lucky with the weather until the afternoon but everyone soldiered on regardless!

We planted some fir trees, snowdrops, daffodils and an apple and pear tree.


Planting Day with Parents am and pm 28.4.15 003

Hopefully they will yield some fruit in the next 2 years!

Open Sessions

Just before the Spring Break we invited our families into nursery to listen to our ‘stories of the week’.

The Red Group’s Story time

Boomer and Skittles evidence 24.3.15 003



We must admit – the mummies and daddies all had great sitting, great looking and especially great listening!


Thank you to all who attended!

Smile Too

Thank you to all who attended our Brushathon event.

Over the course of a month the children had been learning about the different ways of keeping healthy – brushing teeth and eating a balanced diet to name a few.

brushathon 9.3.15 022


To add to the children’s knowledge we were very lucky to have Benjamin’s Mummy come in to talk us – she is a dentist.

She brought two very cheeky monkeys with her to show us how to brush our teeth correctly.

We all brushed our teeth, listened to stories and watched a special video about ‘Dudley the Dinosaur’ who had to go for a check-up.

brushathon 9.3.15 010

Jamie – “The toothpaste is minty – we had to brush for 2 minutes – my arm was sore!”

brushathon 9.3.15 029

Mina and Marni looking at what healthy teeth and gums should look like

The children also kept charts of how many times they brushed their teeth over the month and received a certificate for taking part. Well done all round – keeeeeeeeeep brushing!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! – Happy New Year!

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The Nursery was transformed into a themed-restaurant to celebrate Chinese New Year.

2015 is the year of the sheep or ram. We found out that those who are born under the year of the ram are said to be gentle and calm.

Everyone ‘had a go’ at trying noodles and sweet and sour sauce with prawn crackers. It was a such a feast and very scrumptious!

chinese new year 20.2.15 015

Olivia – “The prawn crackers were the best.”

Maisie – “I had two bowls of noodles – I loved them!”

Thomas – “I didn’t like the sauce – yuk!”

Eco Warriors

Our Eco Warriors have been hard at work helping the environment.

‘Check and Save’

Every week, two children have the job of emptying our white sack containing paper. They then check the scraps of paper that can be used again. These off-cuts are then saved and cut to be re-used. What responsible citizens we have at Braidbar Nursery!

Louie – ” I am checking the paper to keep.”

Lewis – ” We’re helping to save the environment.”

Eco Warriors Louie and Lewis

Litter Picking

litter 19.3.15 004

Sophie H – “Me and Uzair are making the garden nice and clean.”

Uzair B  – “I like using the litter picker!”

In addition to ‘checking and saving’, the children have been caring for our nursery garden by ‘litter picking’ with come funny-looking tools. We are hoping all our hard work will mean that the amount of litter we find is reducing.

‘Reduce, re-use, recycle everyone!’

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