Friday 19th June 2020


This is the end of the penultimate week before the summer holiday. Next week there will continue to be daily posts until Friday 26th June when they will cease for the summer. In that time you may, of course, scroll back and access all previous posts.

Our Microsoft Team will also cease to be monitored daily and at some point in the holidays we will say farewell to our funny, talented and kind friends who are moving onto P1 as we remove their access.

For those of you who are returning in August, you should look out for a presentation next week that will outline some of the changes to the environment and procedures that will be in place then. You will also receive further information regarding your child’s attendance days/times.

Here are today’s learning ideas:

  1. Find a story about pirates, mermaids or a factual book about the sea and read together. Talk about the different parts of the book.


2. Draw a map of a treasure island or another imaginary place. Try to add as many details as you can. You may want to use cold tea and coffee granules to age it so it looks old.


3. Use Lego, loose parts or clean packaging from the recycling bin to build your own ship or boat. Which materials are waterproof? Which materials will allow your vessel to float? Can you investigate?


4. Do you have play sand at home? Either where it stands or in a flat tray make marks and write some messages. Can you form some letter? Numbers? Write your name? Use your fingers or a pirates ‘sword’ (stick/wooden spoon etc).


5. Develop language as you explore some treasure! Parents, collect lots of interesting shiny and other items that may be new to your child. Place them in a treasure tray or chest and investigate and talk about them together.


6. Draw your own pirate! Add as many details as you can to their face, body and clothes. Give your pirate an animal companion and a cool name!


7.  Practise your looking skills…


8. What sound does PIRATE begin with? Can you think of other words starting with the ‘p’ sound? Why don’t you draw some of them and even try to write the words if you wish?

9. Listen to and join in with this number boat song. Focus on putting numbers in sequence. Write numbers 0-10 on sticky notes or use cards from a game you own. Place them in order going forwards. Go beyond 10 if you can. Now think about going backwards. For this you may find it easier to start with a smaller number then extend the number range as your child gains confidence.


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