Monday 1st June 2020


Today is the first day in a new month and a new season. In Scotland we usually say that June, July and August are summer months so we are now in early summer.

Refresh your knowledge of the months of the year with this song. Maybe you could play a game with your adults where you say the month before/after/in between.


I recently saw the photo above and it reminded me of all the wonderful friendships that are created and strengthened at nursery so today’s post is all about friends. Here are some ideas:

  1. Make a video call to a friend or cousin to ask how they are. Show them some of the things you have been doing and make a plan for something you would like to do together soon.

2. Draw a picture of a friend. Tell an adult all the things that make them special and what you like to do together. Ask the adult to write this down then you could give your drawing and writing to your friend whenever safe to make them smile. You might decide to keep it for yourself as a reminder that bad times don’t last and that you will play with your friends again soon.

3. What do you usually like to do with your friends? Can you do some of these things by yourself and ask a parent to take photos/videos and send to your friends or put on our Team? Maybe someone will send something back.

4. Friends are special people who we can play and laugh with and who try to help us when we have a problem or feel sad. Even when we can’t be close we can show friends that they are special to us in different ways.


5. Do you know this song about friends? Can you join in?


6. Do you have any books where someone is a good friend? Maybe they are kind or helpful or they cheer someone up. Have a look through your books and read a story or two about friendship. What kinds of things do you do to be a good friend?


7. I always try to be kind; I think it makes the world a brighter place. Do you agree?


8. Look at the pictures below. Talk about them with an adult and decide if the behaviours are friendly or unfriendly. How do you think the children feel? How would you feel? What good choices could they make?

If you are starting school soon, what different things do you see that you might be doing soon too?

9. Some of you will soon have a wonderful opportunity to make new friends that you are going to be starting school with. Although being in Primary 1 will be very exciting it will also be new and a little strange. Sometimes when we meet new people we can be unsure and shy. It’s okay to feel like that; other children and the teachers will probably feel the same way too. Here are some ideas for you and your adult to talk about that might help you when you are feeling shy.

10. Make something for a friend today! A picture, model, pasta jewellery, a card, a badge… anything at all that you think they would like. You can then keep it in a safe place and give it to them the next time you meet.


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