Monday 14th September 2020

Buenos dias!

Have you noticed spiders crawling about your house? The adults have definitely spotted them at home and in nursery. Did you see the huge one on the way to lunch recently? These interesting creatures are the focus of today’s blog.

A. Draw, paint or make your own spider or other bug.

How many legs?
Spiders are AMAZING! Did you know that most spiders are not harmful to humans (no matter what Mrs Gentile thinks!). They spin webs to catch other bugs to eat, live EVERYWHERE except Antarctica (must be too cold for them there), and have 8 legs!! Eight legs, that’s a lot. I wonder how many legs other creatures have? Can you do some investigating? Use a book, go to Google, or even ask Alexa. A grown up can help but it is best that they don’t just give you the answer if they know it. Here’s your challenge – how many legs do the following have:
·         butterfly
·         crab
·         snake
·         dog
·         starfish
·         horse
·         bee
·         kangaroo
·         centipede
·         swan ?
You can check your answers on our Team. Happy investigating!


B. Sing along with Incy Wincy. Do you notice that the spider doesn’t give up? It perseveres. The next time you find something difficult or tricky, try to persevere and you will get there eventually.




C. Try some weaving like a spider creating a web. If you would like to provide extra challenge for your child you could number holes or write the letters of their name and have them thread their string/wool through in sequence.


D. Try a spider recipe!


E. What do you know about spiders? Tell your adult. What else would you like to know about them? Where can you find out? You could look in a book, search online or watch a video.

F. Go on your own minibeast adventure in the garden (or house!) and try to find some spiders or insects.

G. Use this chart to identify spiders the next time you come across them. They are all different yet all have some things in common. Why don’t you discuss their similarities and differences?



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