Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning!

We hope you had a restful weekend and that you were able to enjoy the spring sunshine through the window, in the garden or on a walk.

This week’s suggestions start with another story…

  1. Read , listen to or watch ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’
  2. In the video, Jack’s cow (Milky White) is drawn like a big rectangle with a head, four legs and a tail. Can you find some rectangles (two long straight sides, two short straight sides and four corners) around the house? How many did you find? Jack’s head and eyes are circles (one curved side). Can you find circles around the house and garden? How many?
  3. Draw some of the characters or story setting using rectangles, circles or other shapes you know. Give your cow an interesting pattern or design and create a fun name for it!
  4. Plant some seeds on the windowsill. If you have no packets of seeds experiment with apple pips, or tomato seeds for example. There are also lots of ways to watch vegetable waste sprout with a simple dish and some water. You can then eat the new sprouts or carrot/turnip tops make excellent trees for dinosaurs and other creatures to play amongst!

5. If you have a book with this story, use the pictures to retell it in your own words.

6. Squirt some shaving foam into a tray/plate/bowl and fill with Lego or other blocks to build a castle in the clouds. How does it feel? Smell? Is it easy or tricky to build with the foam on your hands? Why do you think that is?

7. Use the idea of the huge beanstalk to think about height. Talk about people in your family and use language like short, in the middle, taller, tallest etc. Get everyone to draw a picture of themselves and place each one on the door frame to show how tall each family member is. Go online to find out the height of your favourite animals. Are they taller or shorter than you?

8. Find a recipe that contains beans and make a plan to cook it some time this week.

9. Find out about jellybeans.


10. Pretend that you are one of the characters from the story. Ask and answer questions as they might e.g. (to mum) How did you feel when you had to sell your cow?  (to Jack) Why did you take the beans from the man?

11. Words rhyme when they have the same pattern at the end of the word not the beginning. Like cat, mat, flat, bat etc. Can you think of words that rhyme with Jack, cow or bean? How many did you find? Can you draw pictures of some of them? Or help your adult to write them down?

12. Create a picture of the beanstalk as you imagine it. use any materials you like. Just how tall can you make it?!

13. Watch or read to find out more about how plants grow.


14. Relax!



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