Monday 23rd March 2020

The whole nursery team would like to thank you for your recent kind words and actions as we all try to navigate our way through this unprecedented and uncertain situation.

In this time apart please know that we continue to be driven to do the best for each of your children. To that end the team will mainly be using digital technologies to communicate with each other and with you. Exactly how we do this will evolve over time but for now there will be daily blog posts.

These posts will provide suggestions for play and activities; there is no expectation that you undertake these with your child. Indeed, we would recommend that you follow your child’s lead, their interests and ideas.

Saying that, we do recommend certain things that your child does daily, as circumstances allow:

  • Read at least one story
  • Engage in some physical activity
  • Get outdoors (at a safe distance from others)
  • Prepare simple food/set the table
  • Tidy up their toys!
  • Join in with songs, nursery rhymes or music
  • Engage in everyday maths – counting cutlery for dinner; matching socks from the laundry pile; measuring through baking; keeping track of the days of the week
  • Talk about their day and their feelings. Plan something for the following day.
  • Do something silly!
  • Create something new – a picture, model or other invention

More specific suggestions to follow but for now you may wish to consider joining in with this:

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