Tag Archives: Research


In class we have been learning about how to eat more healthily with Mrs Kaur. We used a child-friendly website to research different nutritional needs. The food pyramid was a great guide to how much of each food group we should eat.

The food groups include: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, e.g. pasta, bread and rice, protein, e.g. chicken, beef, and fish, dairy and fats and sugars.

Below is a link to an advert written by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William to promote healthy lunches for younger pupils.


Here you can see two posters about healthy eating. The first is by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William.kristie-lucy-stacey-william

The second is by Grace, Lauren McE and Carys.grace-lauren-mce-carys

The Water Cycle



This term, in science, we have been learning about the water cycle. We were surprised to learn that the water we drink has been around for millions of years!

This is all because water is a closed cycle. It never stops! Water in rivers, pods, lakes, streams and even puddles is heated up by the sum. As it heats up, it becomes water vapour, which rises into the atmosphere. This is called evaporation.

In the air, the water vapour cools down, turns back into water and begins to form clouds. This is called condensation.

hannah grace

When the clouds become too dense, the water then falls back to Earth as rain, hail or snow. This is called precipitation.

When it lands on Earth, it can land in streams, ponds, lakes, puddles and the ground. From there it runs back to the seas. This is called collection.

ben-m thomas-l

The cycle is continuous: it never stops.

Hannah, Thomas L, Kristie, Ben M, Ryan J and Grace have drawn annotated diagrams to explain the water cycle and show their understanding.

Our Main Organs

Science poster

Primary 4 have been researching about the major organs of our body.

We chose an organ each and used a search engine to find out some interesting facts.

We took notes and then we reported our information back to the rest of the class.

We then gathered all the information we had collected. We chose an organ each and created a poster to pass this information onto others.

We also discovered where that organ was located in our body.