Tag Archives: Peaceful

National Outdoor Education Day


Today, Thursday 18 May, is National Outdoor Education Day. Every class in our school took part in this event.

We decided to take our literacy circles outside and enjoy reading the next chapter of Roald Dahl’s Boy, in the sun.

We were so glad it was warm and sunny. Sitting in the adventure trail, at the picnic benches or on the grass was very relaxing and much more fun than being inside in a stuffy, hot classroom.

Art – Drawing Mandalas

Inben-m Art, we have been learning how to draw mandalas. A mandala is a circular pattern  learn which grows from a central point. The word mandala comes from the old Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated it means ‘circle’. It is pronounced ‘mandle’.

Tocourtney learn how to draw mandalas, we watched several on-line tutorial videos. These gave us some great ideas. After that we had one or two practice attempts. With each one, we improved our skills.


Here, you can see several of the mandalas from our class. We have examples from Ben M, Courtney, Dylan, Grace, Katie, Lianna and Madison.


grace Please let us know in the comments if you like them.katie lianna madison