Tag Archives: Literacy Across Learning

National Outdoor Education Day


Today, Thursday 18 May, is National Outdoor Education Day. Every class in our school took part in this event.

We decided to take our literacy circles outside and enjoy reading the next chapter of Roald Dahl’s Boy, in the sun.

We were so glad it was warm and sunny. Sitting in the adventure trail, at the picnic benches or on the grass was very relaxing and much more fun than being inside in a stuffy, hot classroom.


In class we have been learning about how to eat more healthily with Mrs Kaur. We used a child-friendly website to research different nutritional needs. The food pyramid was a great guide to how much of each food group we should eat.

The food groups include: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, e.g. pasta, bread and rice, protein, e.g. chicken, beef, and fish, dairy and fats and sugars.

Below is a link to an advert written by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William to promote healthy lunches for younger pupils.


Here you can see two posters about healthy eating. The first is by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William.kristie-lucy-stacey-william

The second is by Grace, Lauren McE and Carys.grace-lauren-mce-carys

Literacy – Learning Statements

In Literacy, in class, we have been learning how to write Learning Statements. We have learned to reflect on our learning, stating what we have done well and how we accomplished this.

We have five questions to answer which help us write our statement. the questions are:

What have I learned?

How have I learned this?

How is this useful?

What skills have I learned?

What attributes have I displayed?

We each add our statements to our e-portfolios and this helps us build up a record of our learning. Other teachers, future teachers and employers will be able to read these and see how well we work.