Tag Archives: cooperation


Over the last few weeks, while looking after our eggs and alevin, we have been helped by visiting scientists, Gemma, Paul and Emma. We have felt very proud to have looked after these lovely creatures during this part of their life cycle*. We have also been pleased to share our knowledge with Gemma, Paul and Emma. Thank you to them too, for answering all of our many questions.

Hopefully we can continue to look after our fish well until it is time to release them in a local waterway.

*Pictures to follow


In class we have been learning about how to eat more healthily with Mrs Kaur. We used a child-friendly website to research different nutritional needs. The food pyramid was a great guide to how much of each food group we should eat.

The food groups include: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, e.g. pasta, bread and rice, protein, e.g. chicken, beef, and fish, dairy and fats and sugars.

Below is a link to an advert written by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William to promote healthy lunches for younger pupils.


Here you can see two posters about healthy eating. The first is by Kristie, Stacey, Lucy and William.kristie-lucy-stacey-william

The second is by Grace, Lauren McE and Carys.grace-lauren-mce-carys