Tag Archives: #ClydeintheClassroom

Summer Holidays!

Oh my goodness! Can you believe that we are at the end of Primary 5 already? Only two more days to go until we are off on holiday.

One of the highlights of our year was participating in Clyde in The Classroom. Looking after the trout fry was a great responsibility but also good fun.  We would recommend doing Clyde in the Classroom if you get the chance! Learning Mandarin with Chen Ni was also very good. We can’t wait to meet the new Mandarin teacher and develop our skills.                                                                                                                         Many of us are pleased with the improvements we have made in areas such as Maths, Reading, Writing, and Gymnastics.

Next session, we are looking forward to working with Miss McGarrity and Mrs McGurren in Primary 6. We hope to improve our skills in Art, Maths, P.E., Writing, Reading and many other things.

We will miss Mrs McCulloch and her fabulous multi-coloured hair! (It was fun waiting to see if it had changed colour over a weekend!) And how we always have to remind her to send down the register when she forgets. We always tell her off by saying,                            “M-r-s  Mc-C-u-l-l-o-c-h!!!”

We will also miss our friends Lucy and Matthew who are going to different schools in Primary 6. Good luck!

We hope everyone has a fabulous holiday, and see you in August



Over the last few weeks, while looking after our eggs and alevin, we have been helped by visiting scientists, Gemma, Paul and Emma. We have felt very proud to have looked after these lovely creatures during this part of their life cycle*. We have also been pleased to share our knowledge with Gemma, Paul and Emma. Thank you to them too, for answering all of our many questions.

Hopefully we can continue to look after our fish well until it is time to release them in a local waterway.

*Pictures to follow

Clyde in the Classroom Launch


We attended the launch of Clyde in the Classroom on Friday 13 January! It was very exciting and really great fun! We learned about the River Clyde and its many tributaries. We also learned about some of the fish found in the Clyde and a little about the brown trout.

Later we were shown what to expect when our hatchery arrived and how it would look when it was set up. Our excitement was really building!


Later, we got a chance to explore the Science Centre and try out a few of the exhibits.

thosl-cartesian-diver skye-pull-up lucy-hannah-carys-curiosityenergy-disco-1

All in all, a great day!