Category Archives: Ancient Rome project.

Ocean Acidification

We have been exploring global issues using critical thinking approaches. We explored the problem of ocean acidification using the critical thinking tree.

We identified the roots of the problem, the impact it has on the environment and for us all.  We then explored different solutions and actions we could take as global citizen.

We then created concept cartoons to display our learning.

I used ICT to create my concept cartoon. My solution was to work together to stop polluting the environment. Scott

Acids and Alkalines

In science we have been learning about acids and alkaline by conducting experiments using litmus paper and the ph scale.

Acids range from PH 1-6 and shows up as red, orange and yellow on the ph scale. Lemon is an example of an acid and can be corrosive. Alkalines range from 7-14 and show up as 8-14 on the ph scale. Toothpaste is an alkaline which we use to neutralise the acid in food we have eaten such as fruit.

We created posters to display our learning . I really enjoyed conducting the experiments and predicting what type of substances are acids or alkalines.  Thomas S

Our First VR Experience

Yesterday we tried our school’s new VR (virtual reality) headsets. We journeyed to China and Space. We even looked at volcanoes erupting!


Lianna: “It felt like we were actually there watching it.”

Sameera: “It felt amazing to see stuff that we wouldn’t normally see up that close.”

Lauren: “It was weird because there were people in the pictures and it felt like you were standing next to them.”

Ben M: “It felt really weird because we were travelling to different places in the world and beyond. But really we were still sitting in the classroom.”