Category Archives: Technologies

Teddy Bear Enterprise

As a class we have decided to sell raffle tickets for a giant teddy bear to raise money for the school. We will sell tickets during lunch and the winner will be announced at the Christmas concert. We conducted surveys to begin with to gauge the level of interest and recorded our data on tally sheets. Over the next few weeks we have decided to use Google Sheets to record ticket sales to monitor profit and loss and number of tickets sold to each class. We will then generate and interpret the charts to find out how successful we have been!  Finally we will send out a Google Form for pupils in other classes to fill out to find out how we could change the enterprise for next year.



Clyde in the Classroom Launch


We attended the launch of Clyde in the Classroom on Friday 13 January! It was very exciting and really great fun! We learned about the River Clyde and its many tributaries. We also learned about some of the fish found in the Clyde and a little about the brown trout.

Later we were shown what to expect when our hatchery arrived and how it would look when it was set up. Our excitement was really building!


Later, we got a chance to explore the Science Centre and try out a few of the exhibits.

thosl-cartesian-diver skye-pull-up lucy-hannah-carys-curiosityenergy-disco-1

All in all, a great day!

Our Main Organs

Science poster

Primary 4 have been researching about the major organs of our body.

We chose an organ each and used a search engine to find out some interesting facts.

We took notes and then we reported our information back to the rest of the class.

We then gathered all the information we had collected. We chose an organ each and created a poster to pass this information onto others.

We also discovered where that organ was located in our body.