Category Archives: Literacy and English

Our learning so far..

This morning the children of p6, Mrs Macrae and I reflected on our first term back at school. Together, we brainstormed memories, discussed our likes and dislikes and we even thought about our hopes for term 2. It was great to think back and look at just how much we have achieved in such a small period of time.
Following our reflection time, we shared our memories aloud with our classmates and Mrs Macrae created a word bank of tricky words on the board. Soon after that we transferred our memories into a planner for writing. We finished today’s literacy period by writing about our experiences and using lots of detail to engage our reader. The children worked very hard to use their best VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) and to write in paragraphs. I was thrilled to see so many children challenging themselves to use ambitious vocabulary, I even saw some of the class using a thesaurus to look for synonyms (WOW!).
Reflecting on our first 7 weeks together was fantastic and I now can’t wait to read these fantastic pieces of writing! Here’s to more of the same in term 2.

Well done Primary 6!

Written by Miss McGarrity

Literacy – Learning Statements

In Literacy, in class, we have been learning how to write Learning Statements. We have learned to reflect on our learning, stating what we have done well and how we accomplished this.

We have five questions to answer which help us write our statement. the questions are:

What have I learned?

How have I learned this?

How is this useful?

What skills have I learned?

What attributes have I displayed?

We each add our statements to our e-portfolios and this helps us build up a record of our learning. Other teachers, future teachers and employers will be able to read these and see how well we work.


The Water Cycle



This term, in science, we have been learning about the water cycle. We were surprised to learn that the water we drink has been around for millions of years!

This is all because water is a closed cycle. It never stops! Water in rivers, pods, lakes, streams and even puddles is heated up by the sum. As it heats up, it becomes water vapour, which rises into the atmosphere. This is called evaporation.

In the air, the water vapour cools down, turns back into water and begins to form clouds. This is called condensation.

hannah grace

When the clouds become too dense, the water then falls back to Earth as rain, hail or snow. This is called precipitation.

When it lands on Earth, it can land in streams, ponds, lakes, puddles and the ground. From there it runs back to the seas. This is called collection.

ben-m thomas-l

The cycle is continuous: it never stops.

Hannah, Thomas L, Kristie, Ben M, Ryan J and Grace have drawn annotated diagrams to explain the water cycle and show their understanding.

Art – Drawing Mandalas

Inben-m Art, we have been learning how to draw mandalas. A mandala is a circular pattern  learn which grows from a central point. The word mandala comes from the old Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated it means ‘circle’. It is pronounced ‘mandle’.

Tocourtney learn how to draw mandalas, we watched several on-line tutorial videos. These gave us some great ideas. After that we had one or two practice attempts. With each one, we improved our skills.


Here, you can see several of the mandalas from our class. We have examples from Ben M, Courtney, Dylan, Grace, Katie, Lianna and Madison.


grace Please let us know in the comments if you like them.katie lianna madison

Author Visit

nowhere shadow rossToday our school were lucky enough to have a visit from Ross MacKenzie, the winner of the Blue Peter Best Story Award 2016, with his book The Nowhere Emporium, which Mrs McCulloch is reading to us in class at present. Ross told us about the exciting year has had since his last visit to our school. He has won many awards!

He also told us about his new book, Shadowsmith. He read two chapters to us. It sounds very scary and exciting!

Later, many of us got the chance to buy Shadowsmith, and Ross signed our copies personally! It was very exciting! We cannot wait to start reading it!


Fuzzbuzz is good. Some of us use it to help with our reading. Book 3 is called the garden. The fuzzbuzzes live there. They say buzz buzz.The mattress in the garden is yellow and the fuzzbuzzes like to jump from the tree onto it.  At the end of the story all of the apples fall from the tree on top of them. This good work was created by Matthew and Ryan


We wanted to describe an imaginary person. We had been focussing on character writing. We wanted to use lots of adjectives. We made a word bank of adjectives that would be useful to us.  In grammar we had been working on conjunctions and we wanted to see if we could use these successfully in our writing. Our success criteria also included punctuation and making sure our writing made sense.  We were really pleased with our results as most of us self assessed and realised  the successful learning that had taken place.

Our Main Organs

Science poster

Primary 4 have been researching about the major organs of our body.

We chose an organ each and used a search engine to find out some interesting facts.

We took notes and then we reported our information back to the rest of the class.

We then gathered all the information we had collected. We chose an organ each and created a poster to pass this information onto others.

We also discovered where that organ was located in our body.