Our learning so far..

This morning the children of p6, Mrs Macrae and I reflected on our first term back at school. Together, we brainstormed memories, discussed our likes and dislikes and we even thought about our hopes for term 2. It was great to think back and look at just how much we have achieved in such a small period of time.
Following our reflection time, we shared our memories aloud with our classmates and Mrs Macrae created a word bank of tricky words on the board. Soon after that we transferred our memories into a planner for writing. We finished today’s literacy period by writing about our experiences and using lots of detail to engage our reader. The children worked very hard to use their best VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) and to write in paragraphs. I was thrilled to see so many children challenging themselves to use ambitious vocabulary, I even saw some of the class using a thesaurus to look for synonyms (WOW!).
Reflecting on our first 7 weeks together was fantastic and I now can’t wait to read these fantastic pieces of writing! Here’s to more of the same in term 2.

Well done Primary 6!

Written by Miss McGarrity

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