Category Archives: mathematics


Today we went outside and laid out rows of leaves which we then measured using a metre stick. It made it really easy to understand that 1m – 100cm and half a metre is fifty centimetres too.

We made lots of rows and saw patterns as each row got bigger and bigger. The only problem was the wind kept blowing some of the leaves away!

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PTDC0897 PTDC0898 PTDC0899 PTDC0900 PTDC0901 PTDC0904 PTDC0905 PTDC0906 PTDC0907 PTDC0908We have been learning lots of new things in maths and using different materials and equipment to help us. Here are some photos of the hexagons learning about symmetrical patterns and the circles playing a game to help them learn number bonds to ten. There are also some photos showing the squares making a poster all about the language of maths.PTDC0909 PTDC0910 PTDC0911 PTDC0912