All posts by Mrs Kelly


PTDC0897 PTDC0898 PTDC0899 PTDC0900 PTDC0901 PTDC0904 PTDC0905 PTDC0906 PTDC0907 PTDC0908We have been learning lots of new things in maths and using different materials and equipment to help us. Here are some photos of the hexagons learning about symmetrical patterns and the circles playing a game to help them learn number bonds to ten. There are also some photos showing the squares making a poster all about the language of maths.PTDC0909 PTDC0910 PTDC0911 PTDC0912

Scottish Masterclasses

We had a wonderful week last week being involved in Scottish masterclasses all week and then ending it all with a fantastic assembly where every year group shared what they had being doing and learning.

In our masterclasses we learned to dance the Dashing White Sergeant, to bake shortbread, to make tartan patterns and to sing some Scottish songs.

Here are some photos of us enjoying the shortbread that we made.

eating shortbread 3 eating shrotbread 2 eating shrotbread



We had a great time learning all about Children’s Rights over the past few weeks. We took part in masterclasses across P2 and we learned something different from every teacher in P2

Mrs Sobocinski taught us about saying hello in different countries around the world.

We took part in drama and singing as we learned about how different children in different countries live each day.

With Mrs Gilmour-McGuire we looked and the symbols of the main world religions and made some using a variety of art techniques. Soon these will be on a banner displayed in the street.

We listened to music from lots of different religions with Mrs Kelly and got the chance to play some instruments to create our own music in these styles.

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Class Representatives

Today we voted for our Pupil Council Rep, Fairtrade Rep and ECO Rep.

Everyone who wanted to have one of these roles got a chance to speak to the class and tell them why they would be good at it.

After voting for each rep we now have the following people representing our class, helping us pass our views on and keeping us up to date about what is happening in the area of pupil council, Fairtrade and ECO:

 Pupil Council Rep: Freya Parker

Deputy: Zac Graham


Fairtrade Rep: Zara McNeil

Deputy: Kate Jeffrey


ECO Rep: Cora McGlashan

Deputy Tyler McClusker