Healthy Eating

cutting colourful food Olivia, Inbrahim adn Freya sorting foodWe have been learning about all the different types of food that we eat and what makes a healthy diet. We have enjoyed doing lots of activities to sort foods out into their different categories which are Carbohydrates, Fruit and Vegetables, Protein, Fat and Dairy.

We are working on a display outside our classroom to show what we are learning and here are some photos that Mrs Kelly took of some of us sorting out food into groups.


Class Assembly

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

We had our class assembly today and it was fabulous. We all learned our lines really well and spoke clearly into the microphone. We did so well, Miss Cumming even asked us to stay and do it again for the rest of the school!Preparing for assemblyPreparing for assembly 2Preparing for assembly 3



AmandaConnor  Lucy adn Grace Musa    Talha Zara Grace