
PTDC0897 PTDC0898 PTDC0899 PTDC0900 PTDC0901 PTDC0904 PTDC0905 PTDC0906 PTDC0907 PTDC0908We have been learning lots of new things in maths and using different materials and equipment to help us. Here are some photos of the hexagons learning about symmetrical patterns and the circles playing a game to help them learn number bonds to ten. There are also some photos showing the squares making a poster all about the language of maths.PTDC0909 PTDC0910 PTDC0911 PTDC0912

12 thoughts on “Maths”

  1. The important things I learned were if something is symmetrical on both sides they are supposed to be the same.I enjoyed making symmetrical patterns with coloured paper.

  2. I learned how to make symmetrical shapes. What I want to find out more about is two lined of symmetry

  3. What I enjoyed doing the most was the sheet. With the sheets were about adds and take aways

    The important thing that I learnt was adding two numbers.

  4. What I learned yesterday was symmetry. We went out side to collect 2 or 4 things that is the same as 4 or 2 lines.

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