Monday 30th January 2017


Apologies for the lack of blog posts last week but the internet in the school was down for a few days and unfortunately I just could not get on but most of it is up and running now which is good.

Today we were learning about the difference between fiction and non-fictions book. We are excited to read a non-fiction book this week as our weekly reader. The children had superb questions and I saw many delighted faces when I told them this morning that we were going to be looking into non-fiction books.

In Social studies, we looked at how Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year. We loved the dragons at the parade so much that we made our own.  The children learnt about the traditions of Chinese New Year and the story. Please click on the link below to see a video of the children wishing everyone a happy new year.

We continue to use class dojo for positive behaviour the class and we love it! It seems to be having a lovely impact in the class and out in the playground.

Miss Pervaiz


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