Mad March Disco – Friday 17th March 2017

Good evening,

I hope all of the children who attended the disco tonight had as much fun as I did! A lot of smiles, giggles, dancing and dabbing! The disco was a success and I’m definitely glad I attended. I took a few pictures for the blog at the end of the night so here’s my fabulous 3.11 bunch!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Many thanks,

Miss Pervaiz


Thursday 16th March 2017

Good Afternoon,

Today we were learning about Glasgow and the surrounding areas as part of our social subjects topic of the local area. We used maps in pairs to learn about mapping skills as well as to develop our communication skills. Please see the pictures below to see the children working well in pairs and looking at the maps intricately. They really enjoyed having the maps and discovering loads about Glasgow and the South.

Many thanks,

Miss Pervaiz

Tuesday 14th March 2017

Good Afternoon,

The Maths homework for this week is to practice grid referencing using the BBC Grid Zoo interactive game. It has come to my attention that some devices cannot be used to access this. These devices include iPhones, iPads’ and MacBook’s… so basically anything made by Apple! This is due to an issue with flash player and Apple.

The Moon Observation homework is due in for Friday 17th March. I understand the moon has been hiding but hopefully it is good to us this week!

The Mad March Disco is on this Friday 17th March and it will begin at 7.15pm. Please see the school website for further information.

The Scooting challenge is going well and the children are making a lot of effort to take part. This ends on 24th March.

Many thanks,

Miss Pervaiz


Friday 10th March 2017

  1. Hello,

It was lovely to meet all of you this week at parent’s evening! I got so much from it and will be making changes to ensure everything that was discussed is addressed.

Reminder: The Mad March Disco is taking place on Friday 17th March 2017 at 7.15pm until 8.15pm and I will be volunteering so I am very much hoping to see 3.11 there as I am expecting a dance! VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE DISCO GOES AHEAD.

Entrance only £1

Entertainment will include DJ Dan from Kidnetics, Temporary Tattoo Parlour at 50p each, Tuck Shop selling sweets, juice and water & our GLOW shop with prices

from 75p to £2.50.

Please check the school website for further information.

Moon Observations: I have noticed that the moon has been hiding from us this week and so please note that this is due on Friday 17th March 2017.

Kahoot: Many parents asked for some instructions in how to use this so please see below for step by step instructions:

You need two devices in order to play against someone.

On a computer/laptop, you log into and go to sign in.

Username: primary311
Password: dog1234

Once you have logged into the main device doing this, you need to go up to the top and click on ‘My Kahoots’ where you choose one of the three games and click on play. After this step, you click on classic where a pin code will appear and the second device or other devices go to and enter the pin that the main device produces and this will then start the game!

Please note: the pin changes everytime you play a game.

Please see the pictures below which hopefully help with my instructions. They are in chronological order:

I hope this helps!

Miss Pervaiz

Updated: Friday 3rd March 2017

Good Afternoon,

Mr Crockett joined us in class today for a music lesson which was very interesting! We learnt loads about musical notes, rhythm and pitch and below is a video showing this. You may need to click on the video link for it to work.

We were invited to 4.13 to see their Viking Longboats and we were lucky to see such amazing designs. We asked a lot of questions and were keen to find out about how long they took, how they were designed and if there was a criteria. We took mental notes as we will be in this position this time next year! Please see the picture below to see the Primary 4 children deep in discussion with 3.11.

Spelling Homework: The children have all been issued with new spelling task sheets which I have stuck into their jotters as I did not have a copy of their old ones and with many children finishing jotters, I could not issue the same ones. I also decided that the children were able to now practice their spelling words in a more fun and interesting way so the tasks have changed and there are now 10 tasks. The day of issue, Monday, and the day the homework is due, Friday, will remain the same.

Scooting Challenge: This competition begins as of Monday and I have checked the rules. The children will receive a point if they scoot/ride all the way to school or part of the way to school.  There is a superb prize up for grabs so I’m hoping, as a class, we can make a big effort to win. The class with the most points wins and this will run until the 24th of March so let’s give it a good go 3.11!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I hope the children enjoyed their wee treat. I think they deserved it after a very busy few weeks.


Miss Pervaiz