- Hello,
It was lovely to meet all of you this week at parent’s evening! I got so much from it and will be making changes to ensure everything that was discussed is addressed.
Reminder: The Mad March Disco is taking place on Friday 17th March 2017 at 7.15pm until 8.15pm and I will be volunteering so I am very much hoping to see 3.11 there as I am expecting a dance! VOLUNTEERS STILL REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE DISCO GOES AHEAD.
Entrance only £1
Entertainment will include DJ Dan from Kidnetics, Temporary Tattoo Parlour at 50p each, Tuck Shop selling sweets, juice and water & our GLOW shop with prices
from 75p to £2.50.
Please check the school website for further information.
Moon Observations: I have noticed that the moon has been hiding from us this week and so please note that this is due on Friday 17th March 2017.
Kahoot: Many parents asked for some instructions in how to use this so please see below for step by step instructions:
You need two devices in order to play against someone.
On a computer/laptop, you log into https://getkahoot.com/ and go to sign in.
Username: primary311
Password: dog1234
Once you have logged into the main device doing this, you need to go up to the top and click on ‘My Kahoots’ where you choose one of the three games and click on play. After this step, you click on classic where a pin code will appear and the second device or other devices go to https://kahoot.it/ and enter the pin that the main device produces and this will then start the game!
Please note: the pin changes everytime you play a game.
Please see the pictures below which hopefully help with my instructions. They are in chronological order:
I hope this helps!
Miss Pervaiz