Good afternoon,
I have shared quite a lot of information with the children today and thought it be best to write it on the blog to share with parents and carers too as it is likely the children did not remember everything!
For Friday 24th of March:
Spelling homework is due as normal and there is also social studies homework relating to the local area which will help the children to prepare their solo talks for Monday 27th of March.
Friday 24th March – Red Nose Day:
The children are invited to dress in red for Comic Relief. The suggested donation is £1. We will be taking part in a range of activities throughout the day.
For Monday 27th March:
The children must prepare a solo talk about their favourite place to visit in the local area (Glasgow and the south). This must last around 5 minutes and PowerPoints/flash cards/pictures are welcome. The children have all got a letter today about this.
Also for the 27th March, the children are to create and make their own Easter Bonnet/Hat! It will be entered into a competition which will be judged by the management team at the school on Tuesday 28th March after the Church Service. The children also received a letter about this today.
The children are taking part in a Maths challenge against other classes and school’s in East Renfrewshire. 3.11 are doing very well and at the moment we are in the top 10! We want to do even better so the children have been issued with usernames, passwords and school codes to play the games at home. This will also help the children with their mental maths. This competition runs until Thursday 23rd March.
Scooting Challenge:
This is the final week for the scooting challenge and we have noticed that the number of children who scoot or walk to school is decreasing. As it is the final week, we are hoping for a push in numbers to beat the other P3 classes! We record the number of children who have walked, cycled or scooted everyday using tally marks.
Many thanks,
Miss Pervaiz