Wednesday 8th February

Good afternoon,

We have been doing a lot of numeracy and literacy practice in school over the last few days as revision. We are getting better at some of the tricky questions we have been asked and we are using physical materials to help us with this.

We love doing the Daily Mile and I join in with the children during this as I definitely need the exercise! We enjoy doing this as a class and we are also using this time to see how much quicker we are getting. We took some photographs today to document this. Please see below.

We are doing a very exciting Maths activity tomorrow which we cannot wait to document for the blog and show off!

Thank you to everyone who has left comments on the blog. I enjoy writing them and I love reading the positive comments even more! Please do not hesitate to send in notes or stop me after school if you ever have any questions.

Miss Pervaiz



Friday 3rd February 2017

Good Afternoon,

Today the children in 3.11 participated in some Scottish dancing. We practiced the Canadian Barn Dance and we had loads of fun! We are really enjoying our Dancing block in P.E. and here are some pictures.

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We have also been practising time in Maths. We have some fabulous resources and have been using these to help us. Today, we used our time whiteboards to practice some word problems such as four hours after 3 o’clock and 45 minutes after 1 o’clock. Below are some pictures of us working hard in pairs today. We think we still need some more practice and will continue to do this in school. It would be great if you could also practice this at home to continue to help the children with the learning.


Many thanks,

Miss Pervaiz