Tuesday 24th January 2017

Good afternoon parents and pupils,

This week, I have introduced a positive behaviour system called Class Dojo which I know some of the children may have mentioned to you. It is used around the school and gets a great response from the children.

The children are very excited about using Class Dojo and we have already started implementing it for both personal points and group points. This will not be available for parents to view however hopefully you will be joining me, Miss Pervaiz, to encourage the children to gain points in school. There are many ways to do this including good listening, team work, persistence, working hard and for being on task.

There is also a new piece of homework which has been issued this week. This is the talking homework where each stage has been given a different topic to discuss at home relating to children’s rights. Please see the leaflet provided for information. This is due Friday 27th January 2017.

I am very excited to be joining 3.11 and look forward to having great learning experiences.
Please do not hesitate to send a note in or to say hello as I am always at the doors at the end of the day.

Thank you,

Miss Pervaiz

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