This term we are learning all about weather. A great site for information on weather is Weather Wiz Kids.
There are also lots of experiments that you can try too!
This term we are learning all about weather. A great site for information on weather is Weather Wiz Kids.
There are also lots of experiments that you can try too!
Today we were exploring position and direction. We used an application on the i-pads to programme the Beebot to find the flowers. Then we used real Beebots and programmed them to go where we wanted them to.
We made angle finders and took them around the school to hunt out as many right angles as we could.
We are delighted that this year Erin will be our Pupil council rep, Alex will be our Eco Rep and Jemma will be our Fair Trade Rep. Well done to all the childrenthat ran in the class election.
Hello and welcome to the P2.6 blog. In this space you will find information on the adventures we have been having in class and the different things that we have been learning.