This week we have continues our coding journey by exploring Scratch and have been creating our own motion clips.
All posts by Mrs Sobocinski
In ICT today we went onto and tried our hand at coding using MINECRAFT. It gave us a lot to think about and we had fun trying out our different programmes.
The Number 9
Today we have been adding and subtracting nine from two digit numbers, ask us which strategies we have been using!
Outdoor Learning
This term we will be taking a lot of our learning outdoors. To make sure that we are sun safe could children please bring a hat and sun lotion to school daily if possible.
We will be going on a sensory walk in the playground, using natural materials to create pieces of art and using the playground activities to support our maths. It will also be a great opportunity to sharpen our athletics skills in time for Sports Day in June!
The Ear
In science we have been learning about our five senses and this week our focus was the ear. Together we looked at the structure of the ear and learned how our ear lets us hear the world around us.
The Children’s University of Manchester has lots of useful information on the senses.