Very impressed, ladies!
Loving your use of loose parts – especially the sharpener as Humpty’s hat, Miss Dickie.
Very impressed, ladies!
Loving your use of loose parts – especially the sharpener as Humpty’s hat, Miss Dickie.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
This week we are going to explore Technologies through our Nursery Rhyme activities!
Use building blocks or Lego to create a wall for Humpty
Make a crown for the King
Create finger puppets of the characters in the rhyme and act it out
Design a Humpty jigsaw
Draw a map to show the route the King’s men took from the castle to Humpty
We hope you all had a safe and relaxing weekend.
Here are some familiar faces to start our new week with.
D. and A. have been busy baking cupcakes, and A. looks like she has been keeping Mum and Dad busy with her gloop!
Lots of fun being had!
Miss Bell and her son, Riley, have been busy this afternoon.
Why not have a go at finding your own rainbow.
Have you memorised the words and actions?
Here are some ladies to help. Just follow the link.