My Local Area

Today you are going to think about and explore your local area


Draw a picture of your home and garden

On your walk see how many different road signs you can spot

Go on a hunt for different types of street furniture keeps your eyes open for things like – bins, lamp posts, benches etc

How many different styles of home can you see?

Create a map showing how to get from your home to your favourite place to play


Tell a member of your family about your favourite place to visit in your local area and tell them why.

People Who Help Us – Police Officers

Today we are thinking about Police Officers. The job of a Police Officer is to prevent crime and to keep people safe.


Make fingerprint pictures

Draw and decorate a police badge

Build a police station out of blocks

Use a magnifying glass to hunt for clues around your home and garden


Talk to your family about what to do if you ever become lost

Report a Glow concern
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