Author of the Month

This month we would like to hear all about your favourite children’s author and their different books!


Have a picture taken of you holding your favourite book

Share your favourite book with your toys

Tell a family member why the book you have chosen is your favourite

Read books written by your favourite author

Draw a scene from one of their books


Write a story using characters from one of their books

National Smile Month Week 4

The focus this week is to Keep on Smiling!


Smiley sonnets – Create a poem about what a smile means to you. You could even record yourself reciting it!

  “What makes me smile” videos – Create a video saying what is making you smile during lockdown.

  Make a video of yourself singing a song with the word “Smile” in the title.


Information Handling – Sorting

We are going to explore the similarities and differences between objects today by undertaking different sorting activities.


Put away the cutlery

Tidy your toys away by type

Sort the laundry into different groups

Organise your crayons/pencils by colour

Find stones in the garden and sort them by size


Design your own sorting activity


National Smile Month Week 3

We know that it is important to visit your dentist every 6 months to let them check your mouth, teeth and gums. Today we are thinking about what you can do to keep your teeth healthy at home through good oral hygiene and cutting down on sugar.


Complete a daily tooth brushing diary

Brush your teeth to your favourite two minute song

Create a poster showing others how to brush their teeth

Create sugar bags to show how much sugar is in food you enjoy. Find the number of grams on the nutrition panel under “Carbohydrate of which sugars” then divide this number by four to find the number of teaspoons


  Swap some foods for similar less sugar ones, keep a track of the swaps and let us know how much sugar you reduced over the month.

My Local Area – Shops and Services

Lets take time to think about the different shops and services that you can find in your local area.


Think of all the shops in your local area, how many can you think of?

Pick your favourite local shop and tell someone why you have chosen it

Draw a picture of your favourite shop or service to visit

Explore the library service online, with an adults help, choose an audio book to enjoy together


Set up a pretend shop in your home, what will you choose? Some suggestions include a toy shop, shoe shop or fruit and vegetable shop


People Who Help Us – Vets

Today we are thinking about Vets. The job of a vet is to help sick or injured animals and to help owners care for their animals to keep them healthy.

Clio, Mrs Sobocinski’s cat


Set up a veterinary area in your home using your toy animals

Draw a picture of the pet you would like to own

Find out three facts about your favourite type of animal

Read stories or poems about different kinds animals


Design an imaginary animal


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