Loose Parts

To develop our play within the nursery we are looking to expand and vary the loose parts that we have available for the children to explore. In the foyer there is a basket and a note of the items that we are looking for at the moment. If you have any of the items listed we would be grateful if you could pop them in the basket.

Currently we are looking for:

Keys, spoons and clocks.


Thank you!

Learning Together

To support learning at home Mrs Sobocinski will be offering family learning sessions on a Wednesday. This term the focus will be on Literacy and English. Each session will involve a brief talk to the adults on how they can support their child at home before the children join their adult and take part in some activities altogether.

Please complete the questionnaire that you have been sent via email if you are able to attend.


Author of the Month

Every month in the nursery we will be focusing on a particular author and learning about them as well as exploring and enjoying their books.

This month we will be focusing on Julia Donaldson. It would be lovely to hear about the Julia Donaldson books that you enjoy together at home.


Planning Update

We are delighted with the way our planning space is progressing. The children are keen to share their ideas with their key workers and the staff have been observing the play in the nursery, talking to the children and noting down their interests. Leading from this the children have been given opportunities to explore dinosaurs, volcanoes and money this week all linked to their interests and questions.

We would encourage families to add any ideas and comments to the board allowing us to build and develop our planning together.

Winter Sun

The children made the most of the winter sun today by taking their play outside. There were bicycle races, obstacle courses and in the mud kitchen preparations were underway for a pizza party!


In the dinosaur books we have been enjoying there are lots of pictures of volcanoes, the children wanted to know what they were and then asked about the lava that they produced. To demonstrate how the lava would flow the children worked together to make their own mini volcano!

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