Floating and Sinking

Recently, in the nursery we have been exploring floating and sinking, so today why not fill a bowl or basin up with water and find out which objects in your home float or sink.

Go on a scavenger hunt around your home to find small waterproof items that you can test, check with your family before putting any item in water!

Once you have placed them in the water watch carefully to see what happens.

Place the items into two piles, one for items that float and one for items that sink. What similarities and differences do you notice in each pile?

Here are some science questions to think about and to explore:

What material is each object made from?

Does the object’s size make a difference?

Does weight affect if something floats or sinks?

Maybe you could use scales to check the weight of each item.

Why do you think there were bubble around some of the sinking objects?

A Challenge!

Using the the knowledge you have gained build a small boat out of suitable items and see how many small figures it can carry before it sinks!

Nursery Rhyme of the Week

Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Hickory, Dickory, Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, Dickory, Dock.

Let’s Explore Time!

How many clocks can you find in your home?

Does anyone wear a watch in your family?

Can you read the numbers on the clock?

Marvellous Mice!

What do you know about mice already?

Maybe you could find out three facts about them.

Draw a picture of the mouse running up the clock.

Planning Together

Although we are not able to be all together at this time we still want to work with children and families to plan activities and learning experiences that meet the children’s needs and interests.

The comments section allows  you to let us know of any areas of interest that your child has at the moment. We can then plan as we would in nursery to develop ideas and activities that will allow them to explore those interests further.

We look forward to hearing about the things your children would like to explore!

Snack Station

During the nursery day, the children have free access to water or milk and the healthy snack that has been provided by their family. To encourage their ongoing independence, setting up a snack station may help.

Each morning and afternoon the children could choose one or two items to set out in their Snack Station as well as selecting a drink. This gives the opportunity to talk about healthy food and drink choices. They can then choose when they want to enjoy them.

The children are all very good at washing their hands before they sit at the table to eat and tidying away their dishes afterwards.

If your child is also showing an interest in number and money then you could create a menu together of available snacks and prices and give them a small daily snack budget.

Learning Together

We hope that you are all safe and well. As we are unable to all be together in nursery the staff  will be using the blog to support your learning at home.

Starting on Monday we will post ideas for activities that will help you to keep playing and learning while having lots of fun!

Home Learning Bags and Cards

Just a wee reminder that our home learning resources are available for families to borrow. They are located in the main corridor near the sign in sheets and include:

Maths bags

Rhyme bags

Story bags

Maths Challenge cards

Rhyming activity cards

The lending library

There is no need to sign these items in or out and you are welcome to borrow them for as long as you need. They are there to be enjoyed!

We would love to hear what you think of them and to see photos of you and your family enjoying the different activities.

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