Indy has been enjoying her time at the hub and loved that she got to see Miss Bell and play the strawberry game with her. 😄
She has loved bringing home her drawings (she even has one for Mrs Murray).
Indy has been enjoying her time at the hub and loved that she got to see Miss Bell and play the strawberry game with her. 😄
She has loved bringing home her drawings (she even has one for Mrs Murray).
Today’s post is especially for our pre-school children.
June is such an exciting month for our older children as they get ready to transition to Primary 1.
Due to unprecedented times, our graduation will take place virtually. In order to create some keepsake moments, we are asking you to learn our graduation song, ‘Summer Holiday’.
So boys and girls, let’s start learning the words with Mrs Kelly. Remember to practise every day so mummy or daddy can film you singing the song next week.
We are going to explore symmetry in nature and create our own symmetrical pieces of art!
Use natural materials to create symmetrical pictures
Read What the Ladybird Heard and The Very Hungry Caterpillar then draw a ladybird and a butterfly
Fold a piece of paper in half, open it up and paint a picture on one side, refold then open and see what happens
Make symmetrical pictures using Lego
Try this symmetry game
Violet walked to the park and met the baby cygnets and ducklings. The whole family enjoyed watching them swimming in the pond.
Violet has been doing lots of arts and crafts and made a rainbow. She also had great fun with Jacob making a box into a boat!
Let’s hear everyone joining in.
Don’t forget the actions! 👍🏼
Create finger puppets for each finger
Turn paint hand prints into different creatures, try fish or spiders
Sing another finger rhyme
Try some finger aerobics
Create your own finger rhyme
Why not have a go at regrowing some of these foods.
Don’t forget to share the progress with us.