People Who Help Us – Fire Fighters

Today we are going to be thinking about Fire Fighters. Their job is to prevent and put out fires as well as helping to rescue people when they are in difficulty.



Find the smoke detectors in your home, how many do you have?

Build a fire engine from Lego or blocks.

Learn how to stop, drop and roll

Read or watch some Fireman Sam stories


Create a fire escape plan with your family


We have five senses that help us to explore and make sense of the world around us. They are:






Lets look at the different ways we can explore each one.


Find items of different textures around you home or garden and think of good words to describe them

Play with playdough/gloop/slime or cooked and cooled pasta

Place liquid paints into sealed bags and try some colour mixing

Try making cloud or moon dough

Bake bread


Try a new healthy food today, what does it taste like?

Combine different fruits, vegetables and juices or milk of your choice to make a smoothie

Cover your eyes and ask an adult to give you different foods, can you tell what they are just by taste?


In a room of your choice or the garden take a good look around and draw, write or talk about what you can see

Fill a container with rice and small objects to create an eye spy bottle

Play a game of Whats Missing


Sit in your garden and close your eyes, what can you hear?

Use different items from around your home to create different sounds

Ask a family member to play you their favourite piece of music

Listen to a book on CD


Add water to different powdered food items and use them to paint, try hot chocolate, spices, gravy etc

Which of the flowers in the garden have a scent?




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