It has been a very different week this week but the staff wanted to ensure there was still some routine.
Please follow the link and join in!
It has been a very different week this week but the staff wanted to ensure there was still some routine.
Please follow the link and join in!
Mrs Wright and her little girl have been busy having fun with tweezers.
Thank you Mrs Sobocinski for all the fabulous ideas.
Even the adults are learning at home.
Follow the link to see Miss Dickie’s hard work.
Each week we will look at a different way to develop fine motor skills. These skills are important as they help children to:
They are also ideal for children to work on independently!
Our focus today will be on using tweezers. There are lots of chunky and fun tweezers that are available for children, however normal household tweezers are ideal to use. You can even make your own from two lolly pop/chop sticks and an elastic band!
There are many, many activities that you can do using tweezers and the ones below are just a small selection. Why not look online together as a family to find some more?
We found 16 clocks in our house!
Recently, in the nursery we have been exploring floating and sinking, so today why not fill a bowl or basin up with water and find out which objects in your home float or sink.
Go on a scavenger hunt around your home to find small waterproof items that you can test, check with your family before putting any item in water!
Once you have placed them in the water watch carefully to see what happens.
Place the items into two piles, one for items that float and one for items that sink. What similarities and differences do you notice in each pile?
Here are some science questions to think about and to explore:
What material is each object made from?
Does the object’s size make a difference?
Does weight affect if something floats or sinks?
Maybe you could use scales to check the weight of each item.
Why do you think there were bubble around some of the sinking objects?
A Challenge!
Using the the knowledge you have gained build a small boat out of suitable items and see how many small figures it can carry before it sinks!