Easter Code

What a marvellous morning we enjoyed today at Newton Mearns Baptist Church. Our journey there and back was great with the weather staying dry and bright for us.

When we arrived we received a very warm welcome and were seated in our teams. We learned about the Easter story through watching a play, some video recordings, a competition, an animated film, taking part in a short drama and listening to the pastor. We were also delighted to be given juice and donuts and got to participate in some fun arts and crafts activities too!

A huge thank you you to everyone at the Baptist Church for giving us such a wonderful time.

Cross Country Runners

Well done to all our runners in the East Renfrewshire cross country running competition. We are so proud if their hard work and dedication and we really enjoyed hearing about their morning of cross country running at Rouken Glen.


We’ve been enjoying learning about butterflies and have worked hard at learning to quill too. Here are some photos of us creating our beautiful butterflies.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Today we started on a series of health lessons where we will explore a number of topics.

We are starting with learning about our emotional well-being and did lots of work today on investigating feelings and emotions.  We worked in pairs to identify a whole variety of emotions and then sorted them out into two categories: comfortable emotions and uncomfortable emotions. After that we shared some ideas on how to cope with uncomfortable emotions and then went moved on to studying a scenario involving three girls and changing friendships.


Mars Rovers

Our House Challenge this month is to name, design and create a Mars Rover (see our google classroom for full details and helpful links.)

To help out with some ideas, we checked out a few websites in class and of course learned from Dr Mathur’s presentation on Monday.

And then we built our first prototypes….with varying degrees of success.  Mrs Kelly was really impressed with our team work and problem solving as we worked to improve sections of our prototype as we built it. Here are some pictures of us working and videos of our rovers moving.

STEM visitor

Today we were fortunate enough to have a visit from Captain David Adams. who used to be in the Merchant Navy. This is where his interesting oil and gas was sparked and he now works in this industry.

He gave us lots of information about subjects that are important to learn about in school to help us enter STEM careers in the future.

He then went on to tell us about the importance of oil and gas in current times and explained how oil and gas technology has developed over time.  Describing the journey of oil to refineries to our homes through time.

Mearns Masters! (Designers)

Today we built a skeleton model of our sustainable city for our Mearns Masters we used Knex to build our models (Designers).


This model is an eco friendly house made from Knex. The house roof is slanted so the water will flow into the main water supply which saves water. There is also a green house to plant your own food which saves money too.


This model is a bridge for animals to cross to reach the other side of the motorway, this model is 100% sustainable and very friendly to nature.


This model is a sustainable mall with a river which has underwater turbines powering the the whole mall and the electric superchargers and many ponds and trees, the whole mall is made from 100% sustainable materials.


This model is a Primary School with a green roof on top and all  parkings are only reserved for electric cars and buses.This school is very helpful towards nature.

7.28 Blog – 19/01/22

Six By Mearns

 7.28 created a restaurant called ‘Six By Mearns’. We had two groups, each with a genre of food they planned to make. 

We chose South East Asian, and Mexican food.






The Mexican group prepared Quesadillas, Nachos, Quorn chicken pasta, fruit salad, churros, and fried ice cream.






The South East Asians made moon dumpling and sushi, Herb prantha, Katsu curry, prantha, Ube Halaya and Bahulu.



WW2 Models

In December, our entire class made models of things we thought were interesting in World War Two (WW2).

Some of us made tanks…

Others Made Ships…

Some made Anderson shelters………

And the rest made planes and blimps!

We then displayed them to the rest of the school along with 7.27!



This Christmas, 7.28 have done lots of fun activities! One of our favourite was making origami snowflakes!

Underneath the snowflakes, are some balloons with string wrapped around them, stuck on with wallpaper adhesive. It may sound strange, but once it dries, you pop the balloon, and it makes a beautiful ornament!

We also made night lights by decorating tissue paper, and wrapping it around a jar. When you put a candle or light inside, it shines through the tissue paper.



Recently, we have been focusing on the topic of debating.

We were put into six groups, and each group was given a topic to debate with another team from 7.27.

The six topics were,

Vaccinations should be mandatory – 7.28

Eating animals is immoral – 7.27

Zoos should be banned – 7.28

The death penalty should be banned – 7.27

The use of mobile phones and personal internet devices should be banned for children under the age of 18. – 7.27

Petrol and diesel cars should be banned – 7.28

It was tied between the two classes, three each.













   WW2 Solo Talks

Recently, we were tasked to create a solo talk on different subjects to do with World War Two (WW2) such as tanks, rationing, medals, planes and guns to name a few. We then presented them to the class and gave 2 stars and a Wish after.

Climate Change and COP26

With Cop26 happening in Glasgow, we have been doing lots of research on climate change. So, we decided to write letters to Boris Johnston about our concerns. We also decided to make leaves that show how the world is heating up, and wrote what we can do to stop climate change. 🌍🌦                                     Here are the leaves that we made!


For the last 2 weeks, we have been cooking in the kitchen! Mr Aitken split us into 2 groups, the southeast Asians, and the Mexicans. For the first week, we cooked carbonara, a pasta. But we have been planning dishes and making decorations to create our own restaurant for some of the teachers!

Here is our carbonara!

And our decorations!



Last week was remembrance week. We had a remembrance service with the ministers Pauline and Joe. We were put into groups of 5 and tasked to act out a poem called ‘In Flanders Fields’.


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